The Chi Fu Road entrance of the village is picked as the site for design. This small part reveals much larger problems of the whole village, such as flood hazard during raining season, lacking of a proper sewage system, inaccessibility of paths for the elderly and the disabled etc. In face of such complexity, a multi-functional RAMP system is designed to address on these existing problems.
The system is named as “RAMP”, where “R” stands for recreation, “A” stands for accessibility, “M” stands for masking, and “P” stands for pipeline. The physical design focused on a simple ramp, but it incorporates multiple functions like grassland for recreational use, masking wetland with water treatment system and pipeline system for solid waste removal in it. This begins to suggest strategies for solving some of the bigger problems in other parts of the village, achieving the “simplicity”, the approach, which the village has long practiced, and the feasible solution to the complex problems of this community.