When I first arrived Pokfulam Village, my first impression towards the village is that it is a chaotic village with crazy
lanes and unorganized houses. People can put their personal everywhere. I thought it is a place for the poor or
homeless, because of the houses which are made of old and rusted metal plates or other materials many people
would think are garbage. However, after few trips to the village and had some opportunities to talk to the villagers, I
found out they are totally different from what I expected they would be. There are friendly kids helped to guide my
way when I was lost. There is a nice lady prepare food for the wild cats in the village. There are also warm-hearted
villager invite me for their coming fire dragon event.
People in Pokfulam Village really enjoy their lives there. They trust and familiar with their neighbors. I did’t
experience that kind of chaos in their daily life. On the other hand, I felt tranquility in their life. Like in the photos I
would show, maybe I, as a visiter of the village, can only have a glance of their life or the culture of the village.
However, I believe I am on the way to know more about them.
Fei Xiaoyan