Villagers in the Pokfulam Village solved many daily life problems by their own hands. Ranging from making a small letterbox for their house to constructing an entire retaining wall on the slope, they make use of their wisdom and build structures out of common daily life materials which you would never expect. Although some may regard these village crafts as primitive techniques which do not match the modern Hong Kong society, none can deny that their ways of solving problems are simple, straight-forward and effective.
This photo diary documented moments in the village that reflect simple human wisdom. I am quite surprised, not only because of how they build structures ingeniously out of simple materials, but also how fit these structures are in the existing environment, both visually and functionally. This is definitely not by chance but the accumulation of experience after going through a long trial-and-error process.
So who crafted the village? Of course, the villagers contributed much of their effort and wisdom in crafting the village. However, without the unique geographical location and topography of the village, would the villagers adapt to the place and develop such village crafts? Without the policies and restrictions of the Government, would these skills still exist in the village today?
Anson Wong