These are the registration codes which identify all the legal squatters within the village under the Squatter Control Policy. The villagers openly show these temporary identities to the government, so no one could demolish their shelters. The numbers and letters are proving their legality and protecting their own properties, therefore villagers can keep their stable and peaceful life in the village.
Later, other form of codes appear on the mailboxes and near front doors. Later, other form of codes appear on the mailboxes and near front doors. They are not some proofs given by the government, but the identities created according the basic requests of villagers. They need the real indications for their locations, they wish to communicate with the outsiders, and they want people to know their home. People start to develop their individual identities inside the village according to their own desires.
‘菜園 Choi Yuen (Vegetation Garden)’‘ 火龍Fire Dragon’
Apart from codes, you can now see signs and flags written by vocabularies which are identifying streets and even the whole Pokfulam village. These are more meaningful wordings representing themselves. Not only showing the individual locations but even promoting their own culture and characters as a whole. These are the identities for the whole Pokfulam Village.
Yammi Tsang